Brisk (Bank Risk Profile System)

Brisk (Bank Risk Profile System)

BRISK is a risk reporting system at the Bank, currently Brisk Supports report for Risk Operations and Liquidity.
The main advantage of Brisk is the automation of data retrieval found on the core system and Data Ware House of a Bank, making it easier and accelerate the formation of reports than to make a report Manually.

BRISK also has LCR and LSFR module, Liquidity Coverage Ratio(LCR), is comparison between High Quality Liquid Asset with total net cash outflow during 30 (thirty) days ahead in stress scenario .

High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA), are cash and / or financial assets that can be easily converted into cash with little or no value reductions to meet the Bank’s liquidity needs over the next 30 (thirty) days in the scenario stress.

NSFR is a comparison between available stable funding (ASF) with the required stable funding (RSF). The ASF value represents the sum of all multiplication products between the carrying value of the liabilities and equity in the statement of financial position (balance sheet) with the ASF factor. The value of the RSF is the sum of all multiplication products between the carrying value of the asset in the statement of financial position (balance sheet) and the whole amount of the administrative account transactions in the commitment and contingency report with the RSF factor.

Features Brisk (Bank Risk Profile System)

  1. Multiplatform (windows dan linux)
  2. Parameterize Parameter
  3. Auto notification via email
  4. Web based Application
  5. SLA Support
  6. Multi Approve Support
  7. Integration with ETL Tools

ScreenShot (Bank Risk Profile System)

Detail and screenshot Brisk, you can see to the link